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Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Observation

I often wonder what the world would be like if I lost the use of one or more of my senses or major limbs. Does the body truly compensate for the changes? Does it really strengthen the other senses to make up for the lost or missing sense?

On my ride home the other night, I had the opportunity to observe a blind woman.

 Photo_102908_001 The young lady was about 5’1,” average weight and a cute disposition. Her hair was neatly braided and pulled to the back by a rubber band. Her most disguising physical attribute was he eyes and lips. Her eyes had a strong almond shape and her lips were full and complimented her face very well. At first glance, I had no idea she was blind. Her walking stick was the first indication for me. She stood there with confidence and by her self-assured pose, I could only assume that she was either born blind or she has been blind for some time. I observed her actions and I could only wonder about her coping skills with life. Is she angry? Does she blame God? Is she in constant fear of others (predators)? I did not have an opportunity to speak with her. Maybe if I see her again I will.

In her Shoes-

If I was in her situation, I could only feel or imagine fear at this point. I know that I would soon adjust. We all live in fear in one form or another; we spend most of our lives working around the fear. We mask the fear with denial and avoid it until it traps us.

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