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Sunday, August 24, 2008

What Happens to Love?

When it does not work, what happens to Love?

First, I want to commend all of my new friends for the love you are showing me with my short stories and commentary on Love. I believe that God has provided me with a gift of insight and I want to serve all my readers, by providing information from my heart and soul. So as you read my commentary, bring your “rake”and “pitchfork.”If there is any information that you can use, rake it in for usage, and if you disagree or there is not needed, pitch it away. Now on to the series…….

In Part 1 of this series, I stated that the only way to maintain a healthy relationship is to remove anything that does not foster positive growth or strengthen the relationship. I use a garden as the basis of my analogy. Soil and Field rep resents your spiritual body. The Spiritual body projects who you are to the world. The Physical body acts for the spiritual body. The Soul is the actual you. When your garden is clear of negative substance, whatever is planted will flourish.

As you read this series, you will notice that the majority of information I will provide will be for you and not your mate. The reason for that is simple: No one can make you happy! No one can give you love, integrity, honest, and selflessness. All of these things are in you! All of these things project from you to the world. W e project who we are to the world. God has provided all the ingredients to happiness and joy. We share ourselves with the world. Would you ever try to board a plane on a trip without your plane ticket? When the attendant asks for your ticket would you say that you expect the guy ahead of you to give his ticket? We are all on the same journey. We all must have our own tickets.

If you are looking for someone to make you happy, you will have a minimum amount of happiness in your life. The reason is simple: Your focus is in the wrong place. As you are looking outside your garden, your plot is unattended and overrun with such poisons as insecurity, jealousy, or low self esteem. Those negative substances distract you; poison your garden and choke the seeds of your relationships. Because your search is in vain, you miss out on quite a bit of your happiness. You are searching outwardly for something that is inside of you. Imagine that you misplace d your keys in the house. Where will you look? You will look inside your house. You will not go down the street to your neighbor’s house looking for something that is inside your home!

I wanted to make that point before I move forward. This makes the answer quite obvious to my readers. So let’s state the question again: When it does not work, what happens to the love? Nothing. The love remains constant even after the relationship is over. Remember, the love is a part of you (your soil) and the relationship (seed) is planted. The seed is not the soil and the soil is not the seed. They are both important to one another, but their make-up and roles are quite different.

Once a relationship (plant or seed) is up- rooted, weakened, or cut, and the relationship is gone, t here will be a time needed for healing, because something in your garden with a specific place and role is weak or gone. Now here is when many disagree with me. The average person is hurt or devastated and begins to build protective measures to safe guard themselves from being hurt again and again.

Many people begin to use those negative substances to build the so call wall of protection. The wall does not protect them; instead it creates barriers inside the garden that imprisons you and inhibits the growth of love in your soil. So the next relationship is plagued with the same issues and ends in the same manner or worst: we stay in an unhealthy relationship. If your garden is not address, life will be filled with more pain than necessary.

Here is a fact that I will place everything on: If you have cleaned your garden and you are doing your job in the relationship one or two things will occur. Your partner will begin to clean his/her garden, or circumstances will begin to separate you. Because there will be not be enough common ground to sustain the relationship. For example two Crack heads with co dependency issues are together, and one sobers up. Can the newly reformed addict stay with the current addict? No. If the recovering addict remains, he/she will probably slide back in to that life style. When we clean up our gardens, it is like sobering up. We are new, because we are experiencing intensity of feelings and emotions that we have not felt for a very long time. Our needs, outlook, and desires will change.

Quick Recap: Nothing happens to love when a relationship ends. The love remains constant. Why, because the Love is a part of you. It provides substance (food) for relationships it is not the fruit of the relationship. When changes occur in the relationship, it is important to allow healing after a relationship ends without allowing negative substances to gather and create emotional prisons and barriers.

Next question: Now that it is over, how do I prepare for a new healthy relationship?

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