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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What's in your Garden


by Hakeem Jamal

clip_image001After talking with quite a few friends and examining my own relationships, I observed a pattern to my ill attempts at Love. Relationships were not working out for me or any of the individuals I know. I am not referring to callous people, but the average person in our society that should find healthy relationships and real love accessible. Love should be manifested in all aspects of their life.

Love seems so elusive, and somewhat ambiguous, and continued failure means that we are not defining Love properly because we do not know what it is or its purpose.  Because of this ignorance we categorize Love's placement wrong, thus its place and purpose is lost in our lives.

My theory of Love (and positive attributes) is this: Love is a constant in our spiritual bodies it is a necessity for a healthy existence. It exists in great numbers as long as we have the capacity for growth.

Your Garden


Many of us are not ready for relationships. We are not familiar with a healthy relationship. Our spiritual lives or gardens are ill managed. Poorly managed spiritual gardens are cluttered with negative substances and when Life (God's will) sows seeds in our rocky fields and hard soil we cannot maintain a healthy connection to the results of the seeds sown. The interesting thing is that we define the love as the seed, but Love is actually a part of the soil. Love is one of the many minerals in the soil that allows seeds to grow strong and provide fruit. Relationships, emotions, or daily occurrences are the seed sown in our garden. These seeds remain healthy due to the condition of our soil before and during growth. Adversity, Selfish Motives, ill will, negative emotional barriers or detach disposition are the stones and other foreign substances that pollute, obstruct, impede, and/or counteract the growth of relationships.

Our Spiritual bodies are the soil and our soil's richness is determine by levels of our positive (divine) attributes such as compassion, love, kindness, giving, etc.. The ills in our garden are fear, low self esteem, mistrust and jealousy. These traits can only harden you (soil). Spiritual bodies plagued with negativity do not allow the soil to become rich with love. So when seeds of infatuation are sown, they will not grow into a the healthest relationship. The ills in the ground are plague with fear, low self esteem, mistrust and jealousy and those trait can only hardens your (soil).

As I study the sutras of yoga and reflect on my knowledge of Christ. I realized that to discover what fosters love's growth is somewhat obvious, but preparing and maintaining yourself as a vessel for love takes work and dedication. Don't worry because it does get easier.

Love will flourish and enrich your life automatically when you are prepared. When the seeds are sown in an love enriched soil they will grow stronger than you can imagine. For example, God is not plagued with negative traits, so his love is dense and well concentrated.  It is all powerful.  This intensity and richness is exemplified in God's relationship to us.  How else can you give your son?Love will nurture the seeds that are being planted in your spiritual body.

Soil and Field represents your spiritual body. The Spiritual body projects who you are to the world. The Physical body displays or provides action for the spiritual body. The Soul is you

1. Positive Substances- Traits in your spiritual body that promotes emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental growth and positive relationships. I.e. Love, peace, compassion, etc....

2. Negative Substances- ills and foreign substances in your spiritual body that inhibit the positive substances from flourishing. Anger, hate, weakness, and low self esteem are examples of these substances

Examples of seeds sown into your garden are relationships, infatuation, task, ethics, and morals.

NEXT TOPIC: When it does not work, what happens to the love?

To be continued .

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