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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Restore Your Love

When was the last time you thought about what you wanted? More importantly when was the last time you pursued your desires? Most people dream about being happy, but they have no discipline and commitment to obtain it. I say this because I fight the same things that everyone fights. No one is alone in the quest for happiness.

These suggestions have helped me find the means to restore my love. I will share it with you. If any of it can help you, please use it.

The things I am going to suggest will take some getting used to, but they are necessary in order to move forward.

My suggestions will move you in a different direction and it will help you achieve your goals and dreams. In order to see the results try this for 30- 45 days and then revaluate your situation.

My Restoration Suggestions.

Give Up and allow God to do what he does best! Guide you!

1. Forgive yourself and learn your own worth. Only your self worth is important at this point. Remember the scripture, "The blind can not lead the blind less they both fall in the ditch." When you are stronger you will help others.

2. Anyone in your life that is poisonous to you or your peace get rid of them now. Do not write, talk or visit them at all. Do not let them visit you.

3. Have a dismissive attitude toward negativity. Do not react to it in a negative way. Remember you always have a choice to get mad or dismiss stupidity.

4. Begin an exercise regiment 3 times a week. You may want to try Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays for at least 30 minutes. Slowly increase the exercise time to 45 minutes or an hour.

5. You have to change your eating habits. What you eat plays a tremendous role in how you feel. White sugars are bad for the body.

When you eat sugars, the body works hard to bring you down off the sugar high. The body is so busy working on that it can no protect you fully from illness (you immune system gets lower) Here is a good comparison. Every time you eat candy, pastries and cakes Etc.., it is like taking shots of liquor. The body is fighting the sugar just like it fights the alcohol when you drink.

6. No more fast food! You must try to eat at the same times daily. The meals must consist of 3 regular meals and two snacks. Watch your serving size. The first week of eating will be the hardest, but I promise you by week two it will be easier. No white sugars or sweet treats. If you get a sweet tooth eat fruit!

7. Write on your Blog as much as possible. Express your true feeling and how your day went. This is important; because this will be the way you can look back and see progress.

8. Do 30 minutes of "personal time daily" Personal Time consists of you meditating and sitting still thinking about the present. Do not think about the future or the pass. Allow your mind to focus on you (not what you need to do or what you did). This time should be done in the morning or before bed.

9. No sex for a month- If bad relationships continue to occur in your life, then this is necessary. You are picking or drawing the wrong people to you. Your vibe is polluted and does not represent your true self. Your vibe may be the vibe of self-doubt, desperateness, loneliness, and fear. So if bad relationships are your "weakness," Sex only complicates it and clouds your judgment. You have to make yourself happy before you can share that happiness with anyone else.

10. No alcohol- same as sex- alcohol clouds your judgment

11. No Dates


  • Write down your goals and how you plan to accomplish them

  • Begin your exercise and meditation (Personal Time).

  • Begin your new eating regiment. (No sweets or white sugars)

  • Join an online community and chat and blog. Do not do romantic chats. Look for someone who is on the same road as you. You need some one who understands.

  • I love yoga. Try to find a yoga school in your area. You may find it satisfying.

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